Whale wars is a documentary-style reality television series which follows Paul Watson, the founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization established in 1977 whose mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species. And now Sea Shepherd will no longer be a lone fighter against whaling because New Zealand’s Earthrace crew is set to join them in Antarctica.
Earthrace is an amazing powerboat that holds the record for a powerboat to circumnavigate the globe (60 days, 23 hours, 49 minutes), which was completed in June 2008. Considered as one of the most amazing vessels ever built, she is a wavepiercer, and can submarine up to 7m (23ft) underwater. She can travel over 13,000 nautical miles (over half way around the planet) on one tank of fuel, and she runs 100% biodiesel made from sustainable sources.
Earthrace's new mission is to work with Sea Shepherd on marine conservation. Her future projects include tackling illegal shark finning in Galapagos, bluefin tuna poachers in the Mediterranean, and disrupting Japanese Whale operations in Antarctica.
Below are photos of the Earthrace vessel as provided freely by their website.
Awesome vessel!
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